The genesis of sheepguana

Like all the best things on the internet, sheepguana was born of a combination of good-natured trolling and people mixing and remixing ideas as they inspire each other. If you’d like a short summary, watch this video from sarahwithtea‘s livestream. For a slightly longer version with links to the original tweets (links on the images because embedding doesn’t work), read on below…

It all started when Auntie Shepherd was compelled to spent time with her mother:

Much fun was had with the concept of the iguana brothel and so a few days later, when Sarah was looking for a theme for her next pottery livestream, she included a cryptic reference to iguanas in the poll:

Compelling arguments were made for various options:

Until @tychon, working solely off the last two pictured tweets, offered a compromise in the form of a poem:

The reaction was pretty much as one would expect. At some point @Hannahcomb was more or less accidentally tagged in and returned to twitter to find some 90 notifications of random people yelling “SHEEPGUANA” at her.

Wise to the ways of the internet, she translated this as “Paint me like one of your Guamanian iguanas.” and, in her Wednesday stream, digitally painted a beautiful picture of a sheepguana lounging on pillows in a slightly disturbing manner.

On Friday, true to her word, Sarah followed suit and sculpted a gravy boat/tea pot/oil lamp/multipurpose vessel in the shape of a cheerful sheepguana while Chat was having spirited discussion on topics ranging from glasses to the barbecue wars, before settling down to invent various characteristics of the species such as its temper and the properties of its wool. While the glory of chat is sadly lost in the depths of the twitch servers, the stream itself can be viewed here:

And the nearly final product can be admired here:

And thus were born the sheepguana and the community of the keepers of its lore. What we lack in numbers, we make up for in enthusiasm and openness and our bloodthirst is usually confined to baby quail…

Sheepguana drawn by Ethan Kocak (@Blackmudpuppy)
They would like to be shorn now, please.

Many people are expanding and enriching the world of sheepguana; this page merely exists to collect my small contributions in a format that is slightly less eye-straining than 25+ tweet threads on Twitter.

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